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Ibn Sina Foundation


Abstract This book contains selected stories about great prophets’ lives. Each chapter represents an interesting and edifying story about the fight between good and evil, full of adventures, tests and intrigues, but all of them are united with the idea of ancient people’s gradual transition from paganism to the true belief in One God. Imprint As-Seyed, Kamal. Qur’anic stories / translated from English by A.A. Ezhova and S.A. Petrov – М.: ООО Sadra; Gutenberg Centre of book culture, 2013. – 320 p.
Abstract This book represents a compilation of articles of Murtaza Mutahhari regarding “Women and Islamic law”, which were published in the “Zan-i Ruz” (“Modern Woman”) magazine in 1345–1346 of the Hijra / 1966–1967. The ideas put forward in these works are still pertinent and of great interest. Murtaza Mutahhari examines such issues like marriage proposal, temporary marriage (mut’a), women and social independence, Islam and life renewal, women’s position according to the Qur’an, human dignity and rights, basic principles of family law, differences between men and women, mahr and maintenance, inheritance, divorce and polygamy. Murtaza Mutahhari is one of the most…
Abstract This Iranian author’s research work covers the issues of family relationships in modern society. It reveals mains Islamic principles with regard to family along with latest achievements in psychology and education. This book will tell you how to establish healthy relationships with relatives of different generations, how to create a cosy atmosphere in the house, how to manage your income, how to tackle dowry and inheritance issues, how to prevent conflicts and — most importantly — how to follow the rules of universal Islamic family concept. Imprint Muhammad Rida Salari Far. Family in Islam and psychology / Muhammad Rida…
Abstract The work constitutes a selection of lectures delivered by the author at the congress for religious subjects’ teachers and at the “Islamic doctor society”. Eighteen lectures are devoted to the principles of Islamic upbringing and related issues. Based on examples from the Qur’an , Sunnah and parables, the author examines main issues of Islamic ethics and morality. He also describes major Islamic approaches to religious upbringing and education, comparing them to the pedagogical ideas of leading philosophers, thinkers and recognized scholars. Despite its academic format, the book is aimed at a wide audience of readers interested in the history…
Abstract Henry Corbin (1903–1978), a French professor of Islamic studies, theologian and philosopher, was one of the most knowledgeable experts in Iran and shiism. “The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism” occupies an important place in his legacy and is greatly valued by experts. As can be concluded from the title, his work considers the phenomenon of the man of light in mysticism in general and in Iranian Sufism in particular. The “man of light”, according to Corbin, is our celestial or spiritual twin, “a witness in the sky”, a particle of light in each one of us that longs…
Abstract Murtaza Mutahhari is one of the most prominent scholars in Islamic philosophy, mysticism, scholasticism and law, an author of many works. This work poses and examines the question of hijab. The author tries to disprove numerous misconceptions regarding the women’s headwear. In this regard he expresses his viewpoint on many other issues related to women’s position is Islam. The book is meant for a wide audience interested in spiritual culture of Islamic world. Imprint Mutahhari, Murtaza. Hijab issue / Transl. from Farsi by M.S. Mahshulov. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2012. – 240 p.
Abstract The book of a recognized scholar, advisor of the spiritual leader of Iran, Dr ‘Ali Akbar Velayati, reflects the history of the Islamic civilization. It contains a description of the background of the Islamic civilization genesis, examines the history of sciences, architecture, arts, calligraphy, fine arts, music. The work of ‘Ali Akbar Velayati is of great value because it contains not only a description, but also an analysis of the processes that took place in the Islamic world throughout its history, revealing the reasons for rise, fall and renaissance of Islamic civilization at all stages of its existence. The…
Abstract Twelve centuries separate the formation of philosophy in the Arab world and its current state. The world witnessed the heyday of the Arab wisdom that influenced the Medieval Europe, as well as its degradation and stagnation, when the Ottoman Empire reigned in the Middle East. The Arab world has also seen its renaissance with an urge towards restoring its glory and keeping up with developed countries. This book reflects the rich philosophic thought of the past and the quest of thinkers of the 20th and 21st century. Imprint Frolova Е. А. Arab Philosophy: Past and Present. – М.: Languages…