On February, the 4th, the remembrance ceremony dedicated to the death anniversary of the translator Hossein Jahangiri Azar took place at the Oriental Cultural...
This three-volume dictionary contains around 78,000 words and 65,000 phrases of the contemporary Persian language and their translations into Russian. The Large Persian Russian...
This study introduces into scientific circulation 1000 Arabic-language epistolary sources (letters) and documents of the late XVIII – early XX centuries from the Oriental...
Ishraq. The Journal of Islamic Philosophy 2024. V. II № 2. – М. OOO “Sadra”, 2024 – 127 pages.
Participants of publication’s preparation:
The Institute of...
The book contains the text of the treatise by the outstanding Russian orientalist, historian and translator G.S. Sablukov (1803-1880) «The Comparison between the Muslim...
The joint work by Iranian theologians entitled “Quranic Sciences (The Divine Revelation, its Inimitability and Ineffability)” is dedicated to important aspects of Quranic studies:...