Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeEvents“Islam: Tradition and Modernity” series opens with a book on Islamic philosophy

“Islam: Tradition and Modernity” series opens with a book on Islamic philosophy

This is the third time that the Islamic Culture Research Foundation, working in cooperation with “Sadra” and “Akademichesky Proyekt” publishing houses, has published a seminal work by Henry Corbin, devoted to the history of philosophical thought in Islamic world.

The third issue of this sought-after work opens the news book series called “Islam: Tradition and Modernity”.

The work contains the reviews of Shia sacral teachings of twelve imams (including explanation of such terms like “nubuwwat”, “wilayat”, “ta’wil”, “ghayba” etc) and Ismailism; as well as teachings of Mu’tazilites, Ash’aris, Brethren of Purity; philosophical ideas of Razi, Biruni, Khwarizmi, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Kindi, Farabi, Abu Hamid Ghazali; philosophy and metaphysics of Sufism (represented by such mystics as Abu Yazid Bistami, Junayd, Hakim Tirmidhi, Najm ad-Din Kubra, Jalal ad-Din Rumi, Mahmud Shabestari and others), Ishraq school (philosophy of enlightenment), Islamic philosophy in Andalusia, “The Wisdom of the Throne” by Mulla Sadra; kalama (scholastic theolohy) in Sunnism and Shiism etc.  

The book is intended for philosophers, orientalists, Islamic studies scholars — researchers, teachers, students and postgraduate students.


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