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HomeActivities11th Saint Petersburg International Book Salon opened

11th Saint Petersburg International Book Salon opened

11th Saint Petersburg International Book Salon has opened in the Northern capital of Russia. This major event is aimed at supporting, developing and promoting reading in Russia, as well as as promoting Russian literature abroad.

At the trade fair, which is a part of the Book Salon, different publishing houses and book sellers offer to buyers a wide range of books products, available for purchase.

The Sadra publishing house with the support of the Islamic Culture Research Foundation will take part in this event for the first time. The visitors will have an opportunity to see the new books published in 2016: “The Qur’an exegesis methodology” by A.A. Babai, G.A. Azizi Kiya, M. Ruhani Rad, “Stories of Karbala” by M. Gazali, “Iran: country and people” by A. Hatami, “Nowruz: festival that unites peoples” by B. Sazmand, “Islam as an ideological system. Volume 2” by S.M. Prozorov, “Islamic studies in the West” by M. Al-Wiri, “Prophet figures in cinema” by S.R. Yasini.

Event dates: 26–29 May 2016

Venue: Michael manege (Zimniy stadium) and adjacent areas (Manezhnaya Square, Malaya Sadovaya st., Klenovaya st.)

Working hours:

26 May 2016: 10 am – 7 pm

27–28 May 2016: 10 am – 8 pm

29 May 2016: 10 am – 7 pm

More information is available at the official web-site of the event.


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