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HomeBooksExegesis of the surah “Luqman”

Exegesis of the surah “Luqman”


The book written by a famous Muslim thinker represents a tafsir — exegesis of one of the 114 Qur’anic surahs. When explaining the surah’s content, origin and certain particular features, the author draws readers’ attention to six edifying points. Thus, the advice of the wise Luqman and the Qur’an’s scientific arguments take the form of explanation of the knowledge intrinsic to God, which is, according to the scholar, is of great importance in terms of setting the humanity on the right path.

This book, full of wise thoughts, written in plain language, is meant for a wide range of readers: from experts in Islamic studies to all those interested in history and evolution of Islamic traditions.


Qira’ati, Muhsin. Exegesis of the surah “Luqman” / Translated from Farsi by D. Sh. Mirzoeva. – М.: “Istok” publishing house, 2011. – 144 p.


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