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HomeBooksSense and love: life and ideas of Mulla Sadra Shirazi

Sense and love: life and ideas of Mulla Sadra Shirazi


The “Sense and love” is a story about the life and work of Sadr ad-Din Muhammad Shirazi, an outstanding philosopher, also known as Mulla Sadra, who worked in Iran in the 17th century. Mulla Sadra carried out a comprehensive synthesis of philosophy, theology (kalam) and mystical knowledge (irfan), forming a new dimension of Islamic thought called transcendental philosophy (hikmat-e muta’aliyya). The deep knowledge of the Qur’an and hadiths, Islamic peripatetism and “philosophy of illumination” (hikmat al-ishrak of Suhrawardi) allowed him to eliminate contradictions between theology and philosophy, discursive and mystical perception, knowledge and faith. According to Henry Corbin, Sadra “made a revolution in the metaphysics of existence, replacing the traditional metaphysics of essences with the metaphysics of existence, where existence dominates over whatness”.

Written in a vigorous and easy style, the book reveals all the aspects of the great philosopher’s legacy and can be recommended not only to experts but also to a wide range of readers interested in Islam and philosophy.


Sohrabi-farr, Muhammad Tagi. Sense and love: life and ideas of Mulla Sadra Shirazi / Muhammad Tagi Sohrabi-farr; [translated from Farsi by D.A. Bibayev]. — М.: Design. Information. Cartography: Feoria, 2010. — 128 p.


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