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HomeBooksIslamic culture and civilization

Islamic culture and civilization


The book of a recognized scholar, advisor of the spiritual leader of Iran, Dr ‘Ali Akbar Velayati, reflects the history of the Islamic civilization. It contains a description of the background of the Islamic civilization genesis, examines the history of sciences, architecture, arts, calligraphy, fine arts, music. The work of ‘Ali Akbar Velayati is of great value because it contains not only a description, but also an analysis of the processes that took place in the Islamic world throughout its history, revealing the reasons for rise, fall and renaissance of Islamic civilization at all stages of its existence. 

The book is intended for a wide audience — students, research scholars and intellectuals, who wish to form an impartial view of Islamic civilization see the true value of its cultural heritage.


Velayati, ‘Ali Akbar. Islamic culture and civilization / ‘Ali Akbar Velayati; translated [from Farsi] by D.A. Bibayev. – М.: Feoria: Design. Information. Cartography, 2011. – 320 p.: illustrated. – (“Drevo” series).


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