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HomeBooksIslamic education and upbringing

Islamic education and upbringing


The work constitutes a selection of lectures delivered by the author at the congress for religious subjects’ teachers and at the “Islamic doctor society”. Eighteen lectures are devoted to the principles of Islamic upbringing and related issues. Based on examples from the Qur’an , Sunnah and parables, the author examines main issues of Islamic ethics and morality. He also describes major Islamic approaches to religious upbringing and education, comparing them to the pedagogical ideas of leading philosophers, thinkers and recognized scholars.

Despite its academic format, the book is aimed at a wide audience of readers interested in the history and culture of the Muslim East.


Mutahhari, Murtaza. Islamic education and upbringing / translated form Farsi by M. Mahshulov – М. : ООО Sadra , 2013. – 368 p.

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