Monday, February 3, 2025
HomeBooksThe history of Arab Muslim philosophy

The history of Arab Muslim philosophy


The study guide covers the whole range of the Islamic philosophical thought, illustrating its evolution from the moment of philosophical reflection emergence until the present time. It examines main movements and schools of the classical period: mutazilism, falsafa, philosophy of illumination, philosophical teachings of Ismailis and Sufis. The concept of Ibn Khaldun and the philosophy of the Safavid era represent the post-classical period. The book sheds light on philosophical quest of contemporary Arab Muslim thinkers. It also describes distinguishing features of Islamic authoritative texts (the Qur’an and Sunnah), as well as main features of the Islamic faith, law and ethics that are important for Muslims’ mind-set. The authors provide an anthology of the Arab Muslim philosophy in compliance with the guide’s structure.


The history of Arab Muslim philosophy: Study Guide / ed. by A.V. Smirnov.– М.: Akademichesky Proyekt, 2013. – 255 p. – (Concepts).


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