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HomeBooksBrief review of “Nahj al-Balagha”

Brief review of “Nahj al-Balagha”


The book consists of the articles written in 1351-1352 hijri (1972-1973) by a prominent Muslim thinker, Murtaza Mutahhari, and published in the “Maktab-i Islam” magazine (“School of Islam”).

The scholar provides an introduction to Nahj al-Balagha (Peak of Eloquence), a book that comes second after the Qur’an by its value, especially in the Shia countries.

It is a collection of speeches, letters and sayings of Imam Ali, a cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. It consists of 3 parts: sermons (hutbas), letters and wise sayings pronounced or written by Imam Ali at different times and in different circumstances, but at the same historical background — during the first political turmoil that overtook the Islamic state two decades after the Prophet Muhammad’s death.

Murtaza Mutahhari is one of the most outstanding scholars in Islamic philosophy, mysticism (‘irfan), scholasticism, law, and the author of numerous works. His works are still among the most popular books on Islamic topics in Iran.

This book is meant for a wide audience of readers interested in spiritual culture of the Islamic world.


Murtaza Mutahhari. Brief review of “Nahj al-Balagha” / translated from Farsi and commented by M.Mahshulov. — Saint Petersburg: Petersburgskoye Vostokovedeniye, 2010. — 176 p.


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