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HomeBooksHistory of Islamic philosophy

History of Islamic philosophy


This seminal work of Henry Corbin (1903–1978) is devoted to the history of philosophical thought in Islamic world. The work contains a review of the sacral Shia teaching of the Twelve imams (including explanation of such terms like “nubuwwat”, “walayat”, “ta’wil”, “taqiya” etc) and ismailism; as well as the teachings of mutazilites, asharites, Brethren of Purity, philosophical views of Razi, Biruni, Khwarizmi, Ibn Al-Haitham, Al-Kindi, Farabi, Abu Hamid Gazali; philosophy and metaphysics of Sufism (represented by the mystics Abu Yazid Bistami, Junayd, Hakim Tirmizi, Khallaj, Najm ad-Din Kubra, Jalal ad-Din Rumi, Muhmad Shabistari and others); school of ishrakism (philosophy of illumination), Muslim philosophy in Andalusia; “The wisdom of the Throne” of Mulla Sadra; kalam (scholastic theology) in Sunnism and Shiism etc.

The book is meant for philosophers, orientalists, experts in Islamic studies (researchers, teachers, graduate and postgraduate students).


Corbin H. History of Islamic philosophy: transl. from French. — 5th ed. — М.: ООО Sadra, 2023. — 368 p. — (Islam: Tradition and Modernity).

Corbin H. History of Islamic philosophy: transl. from French. — 3rd ed. — М.: Akademicheskiy Proyekt; ООО Sadra, 2016. — 367 p. — [Islam: Tradition and Modernity]

Corbin H. History of Islamic philosophy: transl. from French. — 2nd ed. — М.: Akademicheskiy Proyekt; ООО Sadra, 2015. — 367 p. — [Islam: Tradition and Modernity]


Corbin H. History of Islamic philosophy: transl. from French. — М.: Akademicheskiy Proyekt; ООО Sadra, 2013. — 367 p.


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