Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeBooksSadr ad-Din Shirazi and his transcendental theosophy

Sadr ad-Din Shirazi and his transcendental theosophy


The book of Seyyid Hossein Nasr, a famous contemporary Iran-American thinker and academician (born 1933), explores the sources of the teaching of Sadr ad-Din Shirazi (Mulla Sadra, 1572—1640) an outstanding Iranian philosopher of the Safavid era (1499—1722), central figure of the so-called Isfahan school, as well as his life, works and influence of his teaching on the following generations of Iranian philosophers.

The work is aimed at experts in Islamic and Iranian studies, as well as general readers interested in Arab Muslim philosophy and intellectual history of Iran.


Seyyid Hossein Nasr. Sadr ad-Din Shirazi and his transcendental theosophy: his intellectual environment, life and works / Translated form English by R. Pskhu. — М.: Languages of Slavic culture: ООО Sadra, 2013. — 128 p.

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