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HomeBooksUnknown nature of Imam Ali

Unknown nature of Imam Ali


This book includes four lectures of the famous Muslim thinker and scholar Murtaza Mutahhari (1919—1979), delivered by him on 18–21 Ramadhan 1388 (9–12 September 1968) in Husayniya Irshad.

In the introduction the author describes attractive and off-putting features of human character. The first part of the book contains a reflection on the attractive features of Imam Ali, whereas the second part focuses on his appalling strength.

Murtaza Mutahhari is one of the most outstanding scholars in Islamic philosophy, mysticism (‘irfan), scholasticism, law, and the author of numerous works. His works are still among the most popular books on Islamic topics in Iran.

This book is meant for a wide audience of readers interested in spiritual culture of the Islamic world.


Murtaza Mutahhari. Unknown nature of Imam Ali / Translated form Farsi by M.Mahshulov. — SPb.: Peterburskoye Vostokovedeniye, 2009. — 128 p.

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