Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeEventsNew book series "The Family of the Prophet" is out

New book series “The Family of the Prophet” is out

“The family of the Prophet” book series is devoted to the personality of the Prophet of Islam and his close family. The readers will know about the exemplary family life, the tragic events of the Muslim history and the feats of the Prophet’s relatives.

The series will be interesting not only for Muslims. The personalities, looks, lifestyle of people who contributed to Muslims’ history will allow any reader to find answers to different questions related to understanding of Islam.

At this moment two books have been published: the re-edition of “The personality of the Prophet of Islam” in a new cover, and “The personality of Ali ibn Abi Talib”, which was published in Russian for the first time. Both works were written by an Iranian scholar, Hussein Sayidi.

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