Friday, March 7, 2025
HomeBooksWisdom of Worshipping God

Wisdom of Worshipping God


This books contains a number of interrelated religious talks of an Iranian Shia religious scholar, ayatollah Abdollah Jawadi Amoli, addressed to his students and disciples. The book features the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (S), his companions, some of the twelve imams and prominent Shia scholars who lived and worked in different times. Many ideas are presented in the context of their diverse meanings: the preacher is going from purely practical, materialistic dimension to abstract and symbolic meanings. The conclusions are in no way categorical — they invite the listeners and readers to individual ponderation and deep involvement while reading the text. 

The work pursues a noble goal: it makes people think about their place in the world and their mission, about what and who they worship and what or who they rely on.

For general audience.


Amoli A. J. Wisdom of Worshipping God / translated from Farsi by B.V. Norik; edited by Yu. A. Averyanov. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2017. – 296 p.

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