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HomeBooksA.E. Schmidt: biography, academic correspondence, selected works, references

A.E. Schmidt: biography, academic correspondence, selected works, references


The monograph is dedicated to the work of A.E. Schmidt (1871–1939), a Russian orientalist. His teachers were V.R. Rosen, I. Goldziher, M. de Goeje, J. von Karabacek and other prominent experts in the Islamic East. I.Yu.Krachkovskiy, A.N. Samoylovich, V.I. Belyaev, P.P.Ivanov, E.M Peshchereva and many others considered themselves as Schmidt’s disciples. The book starts with an academic biography of A.E. Schmidt, which was prepared specially for this edition. The book contains unique materials from public and private archives in Saint Petersburg, Moscow and Tashkent.

The edition is intended for all those interested in the Russian and Soviet Oriental studies on the whole and Islamic studies in particular.


A.E. Schmidt: biography, academic correspondence, selected works, references: monograph. Compiled by R.I. Bekkin. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2018. – 504 p. – (Russian oriental studies).

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