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HomeBooksIslamic economy

Islamic economy


This book includes 11 articles on Islamic economy written by recognized Muslim researchers. The book consists of 2 parts: review of the Islamic economic science and description of the Islamic financial system. The work examines and analyses the origins and definition of the Islamic economic science, as well as its philosophy, objectives and methods. In some articles the authors quote Qur’anic verses and hadiths to ensure that the readers can better understand the relevant information provided. The book treats the issues of the Islamic financial system in a comprehensive way, including those related to the functioning of Islamic banks in Iran.

The edition is meant for general readers interested in specific features of the Islamic economic system.


Islamic economy: collection of articles / translated from Persian by Ch. Khamidova, V.Vdovin, B. Norik, J. Mirzoyev; edited by S.Yu.Babenkova. – 2nd ed. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2023. – 384 p. – (Economics and law).

Islamic economy: collection of articles / translated from Persian by Ch. Khamidova, V.Vdovin, B. Norik, J. Mirzoyev; edited by S.Yu.Babenkova. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2018. – 388 p. – (Economics and law).

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