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HomeBooksA man on the minbar. The image of a spiritual leader in...

A man on the minbar. The image of a spiritual leader in Tatar and Turkish literature (end of 19th – first third of 20th century)


The book explores the images of religious leaders (muftis, imams, sheikhs, mullas etc.) in the Tatar and Turkish literature at the turn of 19-20th century, which reflected the changes happening in the public conscience and artistic thinking of Turkic Muslims: the Tatar nation living in the Russian empire, and the Turkish nation inhabiting the Ottoman empire. The formation of a spiritual leader’s ideal in both literatures was accompanied by the criticism of ignorance and moral vices of certain religious figures, as well as the establishment of ethic and aesthetic ideals of a perfect human (al-insan al-kameel).

The book is meant for experts in Turkic studies and everyone interested in the Turkic culture, history and Islam.


А.Т. Sibgatullina. A man on the minbar. The image of a spiritual leader in Tatar and Turkish literature (end of 19th – first third of 20th century) / edited by D.D. Vasilyev. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2018. – 272 p. – (Islamica & Orientalistica).

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