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HomeEventsIslamic Culture Research Foundation and Sadra publishing house present new books

Islamic Culture Research Foundation and Sadra publishing house present new books

At the beginning of September the Sadra publishing house issued three new books with the support of Islamic Culture Research Foundation, namely “A man at the minbar. The image of a Muslim leader in the Tatar and Turkish literature (end of 19th -first third of 20th century)” by A.T.Sibgatullina, “The Qur’an in the culture of Muslim peoples” by Muhammad Ali Taskhiri, “The man of the world” (the Shahnameh series).

“A man at the minbar” by A.T, Sibgatullina is the first book published based on the results of the Ibn Sina grant contest. The book explores the images of religious leaders (muftis, imams, sheikhs, mullas etc.) in the Tatar and Turkish literature at the turn of 19-20th century, which reflected the changes happening in the public conscience and artistic thinking of Turkic Muslims: the Tatar nation living in the Russian empire, and the Turkish nation inhabiting the Ottoman empire.

“The Qur’an in the culture of Muslim peoples” is a collection of articles and lectures of a well-known Islamic scholar, Muhammad Ali Taskhiri, translated from Arabic. This book will familiarize the readers with the Qur’an and facilitate the understanding of Islam.

 Both books were published with the support of the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies and the Islamica Academic and Educational Centre.

“The man of the world” is the 8th edition of the Shahnameh children’s series from the “Persian tales” line, which glorifies the friendship between peoples. However, the book has a tragic ending: Agrigas, the son of the Turanian king, who always called the opposing parties for peace and refused to fight with the Iranians, fell victim to his own brother whose view on the war was completely different.

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