Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeBooksThe correct balance (al-Qistas al-mustaqim)

The correct balance (al-Qistas al-mustaqim)


The work represents a commented translation from Arabic and a research on one of the most interesting and complex works of Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali(450/1058–59 – 505/1111), a prominent medieval Muslim thinker. In this work Al-Ghazali attempts to Islamize the ancient logic. Drawing on the Aristotelian syllogistic, he disputes with Ismailian theologists.

This work of the medieval thinker will be useful for everyone interested in the history of Islamic theology and Eastern philosophy.


Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid. The correct balance (al-Qistas al-mustaqim) / introduction, translation and comments by V.V. Naumkin; RAS Institute of Oriental Studies. – 2nd edition, revised. – М.: ООО «Sadra», 2018. – 184 p.

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