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HomeBooksIran in the context of new geopolitical realities (for the 40th anniversary...

Iran in the context of new geopolitical realities (for the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution)


This collection contains the articles of Russian and Iranian authors devoted to different aspects of the Islamic revolution and the development of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The focus is placed on the ideological justification of a new Islamic state model based on the “velayet-e fakih” principle and its practical implementation. The work presents an analysis of the results of social, political, economic and cultural development of Iran, its major concepts of foreign policy and the evolution of the Russian-Iranian relationships. The work also suggests possible scenarios for the development of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

This collection of articles is of great academic interest and can be used as a study guide for those engaged in Oriental studies.


Iran in the context of new geopolitical realities (for the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution) / edited and compiled by Ye.V. Dunayeva. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2019. – 256 p. – (Islamic and pre-Islamic world: history and politics).

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