The Ibn Sina Islamic Culture Research Foundation held a book exhibition within the framework of the International Conference “40th Anniversary of the Islamic Republic of Iran”. The publications included those prepared with the support of the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies, as well as the Foundation’s new books: a collection of articles “Iran in the context of geopolitical realities” (edited by E. Dunayev), a collection of articles “Music in the context of Islam: Iranian traditions “(edited by T.M. Jani-zade),” Persian literature of the 9th-18th centuries. In two volumes. Volume 1. Persian literature of the Mongolian period (9th – early 13th century.). Formation of the canon: the early classics “(M.L. Reisner, A.N. Ardashnikova), “The typology of Qur’anic stories” (Seyed Abu-l-Kasem Husseini), “The correct balance (al-Qistas al-Mustaqim)” (Abu Hamid al-Ghazali), “Persophony . Regionality, identity, linguistic contacts in the history of Asia ”(Bert Fragner) and others. After the exhibition the books were donated to the Iranian department of the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies.
The international conference “40 years of the Islamic Republic of Iran” was held on April 8, 2019 at the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies. It was attended by Dr. Mehdi Sanai, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Russian Federation, who also occupied the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Iran in 2001-2005; Alexander Maryasov, Deputy Director of the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies; Alikber Alikberov, Head of the Center for the studies of the Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Ural-Volga Region, candidate of historical sciences; as well as Iranian and Russian Iranists. The conference participants presented reports on economics, politics, history and culture.