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HomeActivitiesResults of the Fund’s participation in the VI Red Square Book Festival

Results of the Fund’s participation in the VI Red Square Book Festival

It was not easy to conduct a book exhibition on the Red Square during the pandemic, but the team of the Ibn Sina Foundation and the Sadra Publishing House managed to deal successfully with this task.

Although all sanitary and organizational requirements were met, there were few visitors, who nevertheless showed interest in the books. The books about Iran (collection of articles “Iran in the New Geopolitical Realities,” “Persia: The History Of The Undiscovered Land” by A. B. Gromov and S. N. Tabai), books on philosophy (“Sufism: The Development Of The Mystical Language In The Works Of An-Niffari ”), history (“ The History Of The 2nd Muslim Parish Of Moscow And Its Predecessors ” by D. Khairetdinov) and economics (collection of articles“ Values and Principles of the Islamic Economy ”, “ Islamic Management: Approaches ” by A.-N. Amiri and H. Abedi-Jafari) were especially popular with the guests.

The booth of the Sadra publishing house attracted such guests as the principal of the Moscow Islamic Institute D.V. Mukhetdinov, the author of the well-known textbook “History of Islam in Russia.” Some TV filming also took place at the booth.

The VI Red Square book festival was the most intimate in its entire short history. It lasted for three days – from June 6 to June 8, 2020. During this time the festival received 15,000 guests; 200 publishers participated in the event and presented their books. The book festival included meetings with writers, presentations, lectures and concerts, as well as online events.

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