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“Sufi Legacy of Greater Iran in the culture of Muslims of the Volga Region, Urals and Siberia” Roundtable Discussion

The School of Oriental Studies of the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics Department, the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the Higher School of Economics are conducting the round table “Sufi Legacy of Greater Iran in the culture of Muslims of the Volga Region, Urals and Siberia” roundtable discussion with the support of the Ibn Sina Foundation.

Iran remained one of the most important centres of Muslim mysticism for many centuries. Arabic and Persian works of Sufis of Iranian descent and those from the neighbouring regions were popular in different parts of the Muslim world. The works on the science of Sufism (ilm at-tasawwuf) found their way to the territory of modern Russia through Central Asia. The purpose of this roundtable discussion is to identify the features and major dimensions of the influence of the Iranian Sufi tradition on the culture of the Muslim peoples of Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region.

A special issue of the “Islamology” journal (included in the RSCI and the HSE “white list” of journals) will be published based on the roundtable results.

Date: 10 March 2021

Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Languages: Russian and Farsi (with consecutive interpretation).

Venue: ZOOM

Registration form: All registered participants will receive the link one hour before the event.

Event program


Opening speech by the roundtable organisers

Andrey Karneyev — Head of the School of Oriental Studies, Faculty of World Economy and World Politics, Higher School of Economics;

Ilya Smirnov — Director of the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Higher School of Economics;

Hamid Hadavimoghaddam — President of the Ibn Sina Islamic Culture Research Foundation.


Participants’ presentations followed by discussion

Moderator: Andrey Lukashev – candidate of philosophical sciences, research director of Ibn Sina Foundation.


Naji Hamed (Isfahan University, Iran): “The Fundamentals of Naqshbandi teachings and techniques for controlling the soul”.


Suri Mohammad (Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Iran): “The written legacy of the Naqshbandi Tariqat and the role of the Persian language in its formation and development”.


Ismagil Gibadullin (Marjani Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan): “Heterodox Sufism in the Golden Horde: Persian “Qalandar-nameh” by Abu Bakr Qalandar Rumi”.


Yuri Averyanov (Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences): “Arrival of Wandering Qalandar Dervishes and Their Influence on the Culture of the Post-Horde Volga Region”.


Coffee Break


Alfrid Bustanov (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Evgenia Nikitenko (National Research University Higher School of Economics): “The Manuscript “Evidence for those who remember” by Dawlatshah al-Ispijabi”.


Iskander Saitbattalov (Bashkir State University): “The chain of spiritual succession of Muhammad-Ali Chukuri in the context of religious ties between Muslims of Russia and Greater Iran”.


Irina Tsaregorodtseva (National Research University of the Higher School of Economics), Amir Mantserev (National Research University of the Higher School of Economics): “Cultural Traces of Greater Iran in Manuscripts of the Collection of the Kiikov Family”.


Closing remarks


Yuri Averyanov – Candidate of historical sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University

Alfrid Bustanov – Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam, Deputy Director of the Marjani Institute of History of the Academy Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Ismagil Gibadullin – Candidate of Historical Sciences, researcher of Marjani Institute of History of the Academy Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Amir Mantserev — senior student of the School of Oriental Studies, Faculty of World Economy and World Politics, Higher School of Economics.

Naji Hamed — Ph.D. Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy at the Isfahan University.

Evgenia Nikitenko — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Higher School of Economics.

Iskander Saitbattalov — Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Bashkir State University.

Suri Muhammad — Ph. D., Head of the Philosophy Department of the Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture.

Irina Tsaregorodtseva — Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior lecturer at the School of Oriental Studies, Faculty of World Economy and World Politics, Higher School of Economics.


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