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HomeActivitiesIbn Sina Foundation to participate in non/fictio№22

Ibn Sina Foundation to participate in non/fictio№22

The Ibn Sina Foundation is going to participate in the Non/fiction International Fair for Intellectual Literature for the 12th time. Due to the pandemic the event was rescheduled for 24-28 March 2021 instead of December 2020.

More than 300 participants (popular book publishers, booksellers and small publishers) will present their books at the Gostiny Dvor.

The Ibn Sina Foundation will present the results of its longstanding work at the booth B-19, including the new books published in 2020-2021:

1) “Sufism: development of the mystical language in the works of an-Niffari”

 (translation from Arabic, commentary, introduction by R.V. Pskhu);

2) “Ishrak #9: yearbook on Islamic philosophy” (ed. by Ya. Eshots);

3) “The Qur’anic exegetics” (translated from Persian by B.V. Norik; edited by I.R. Nasyrov, M.E. Rezvan);

4) “The Chronicles of Najd. The rule of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and the establishment of the Saud dynasty in Najd and Hijaz according to the Ottoman archive documents” by S.A. Mujani (translated from Persian by V.O. Koklikov; edited by A.D. Vasilyev);

5) “Nahid” by Sh. Zamani (translated from Persian by. А.P. Andryushkin);

6) “Amir Mu’izzi Nishapuri. Siyasat-namah/ Siyar al-muluk (“Book of Government”/”The Lives of Kings”): falsified work attributed to Nizam Al-Mulk” by A.A. Hismatulin;

7) “Revolution and evolution in Islamic thought and history” (edited by Yu.E. Fedorova);

8) “Egypt: from Nasser to the present day” by M.F. Vidyasova;

9) “Mulla Sadra: Life and Philosophy” by Seyed Salman Safavi;

10) “Ta’rikh Miskindja. Dagestani Historical Writing” (translated from Arabic and commented by by A.R. Shikhsaidov, Z.Sh. Zakariaeva, A.R. Navruzova;

11) The History of Arab Muslim Philosophy: Textbook and Anthology” (ed. By A.V. Smirnov);

12) “Burkhan az-zakirin (“Evidence for those who remember”) by Dawlatshah al-Ispijabi (research by A.K. Bustanov and E.L. Nikitenko; translated from Persian, Arabic and commented by E.L. Nikitenko, translated from Chagatai by A.K. Bustanov);

13) “The past and present of Islamic philosophy. Selected articles of participants of “Sagadeyev readings” (2008–2019)” (edited and compiled by N.S. Kirabayev, Р. В. Pskhu);

14) “What do you call the grape?” (Based on Jalal ad-Din Rumi’s “Masnavi”, retold by Kh. Fattahi., translated from Persian by N. Chalisova, L. Lakhuti, N. Prigarina, edited by N. Prigarina);

15) “Universality in morality”, 2nd edition (edited by R.G. Apresyan);

16) “Persian literature of the 9th to 18th centuries: Volume 2: Persian Literature of the 13th to 18th centuries. Late Classics.” by M.L. Reisner, A.N. Ardashnikova; ed. by E.O. Akimushkina.

17) “The Secret Rose Garden” by Mahmoud Shabestari (A.A. Lukashev, edited by N.Yu. Chalisova);

18) “The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism” by Henri Corbin (translated from French by Yu.N.Stefanov; preface and commentary by Ya. Eshots; edited by E.A.Frolova);

The book presentations will take place at the Ibn Sina Foundation booth.

On March, 24, the authors will present their works:

12:00: А.А. Lukashev – “The Secret Rose Garden” by Mahmoud Shabestari (Persian text, translation, commentary);

13:00: E.L. Nikitenko – Burkhan az-zakirin (“Evidence for those who remember”) by Dawlatshah al-Ispijabi;

14:00: M.L.Reisner – Persian literature of the 9th to 18th centuries: Volume 2: Persian Literature of the 13th to 18th centuries. Late Classics;

17:00: A.D.Vasilyev – The Chronicles of Najd by S.A. Mujani.

On March, 28 at 13:00 V.A. Kuznetsov will present the book of M.F. Vidyasova, who passed away in 2020 — “Egypt: from Nasser to the present day”, as well as the series “Islamic and pre-islamic world: history and politics”. At 15:00 F.O. Nofal will present his work “The dialectics of the Abrahamic symbol”.

See you at the booth В-19! Everyone is welcome!

Venue: Moscow, Ilyinka st., 4 (“Gostiniy Dvor”)

Opening hours:

24.03.2021 (Wednesday): 11:00 – 21:00

25.03.2021 (Thursday): 11:00 – 21:00

26.03.2021 (Friday): 11:00 – 21:00

27.03.2021 (Saturday): 11:00 – 21:00

28.03.2021 (Sunday): 11:00 – 20:00

Important information: All visitors must wear personal respiratory protective equipment (masks, respirators) and gloves throughout their stay at the Gostiny Dvor!

More information is available at the non/fictio№ website.

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