Tuesday, January 21, 2025
HomeEventsA book “A Savior in Shi’ism” by Mojtaba Kalbasi published by “Sadra”

A book “A Savior in Shi’ism” by Mojtaba Kalbasi published by “Sadra”

A new book “A Savior in Shi’ism” by Mojtaba Kalbasi was issued by “Sadra” Publishing House.

A teaching on Mahdi who is awaited to come at the end of times and to restore peace and justice on the earth plays an important role in Islamic eschatology. Although this teaching is common for all schools of Islam, it has a special meaning for Shi’ism. The book covers fundamentals of teaching about Mahdi, the reason of his Eminence’s concealment and events that preceded it. A reader will figure out how we should await Mahdi and what are the signs of his Eminence’s reappearance. The books also analyses some false statements and beliefs considering the personality of Mahdi and the circumstances of his appearance at the end of times.

The book “A Savior in Shi’ism” was translated from Persian by a candidate of historical sciences, a senior research scholar of the Centre of the Golden Horde and Tatar Khanates I.R. Gibadullin. It was edited by T.G. Korneeva, a candidate of philosophic sciences, a senior research scholar of the Department of Philosophy of Islamic World of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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