On the 10 of October Ibn Sina Foundation and “Sadra” Publishing House took part in a cultural event “The World of Shakhnameh” that took place at the Moscow State Linguistic University.
The Foundation held an exhibition of books on history and culture of Iran, textbooks on the Persian language as well as children’s literature translated from Persian. The books were granted to visitors.
The cultural thematical event “The World of Shakhnameh” was dedicated to the 1035th anniversary of the Persian poet Haqim ‘Abd al-Qasim Firdowsi, the 95th anniversary of the Moscow State Linguistic University, the 25th anniversary of the Basic Organisation of Languages and Cultures of the Union of Independent State Countries and the 10th anniversary of the Centre of Tajikistan Language and Culture “The World of Shakhnameh”. It was held with the participation of the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.