Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeBooksHealing and Theology: in two volumes. Volume 2

Healing and Theology: in two volumes. Volume 2


This volume consists of the appendixes to the first volume of the translated part “Theology” from Avicenna’s encyclopedia “Healing”. Besides the translation of the chapter “Psychology”, it also includes the compendium of the relevant chapters on logics (about predicables, categories, syllogism and proof) and natural philosophy, as well as research essay by Tawfiq Ibrahim on Ibn Sina’s version of metaphysical theology.

The book is addressed to philosophers, theologians and everybody who is interested in Muslim culture.

The translation of “Psychology” and parts 1-2 of the Compendium are prepared in co-authorship with N.V. Efremova.


Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Healing and Theology: in Two Volumes / Ibn Sina (Avicenna), translation from Arabic, notes and commentaries: T.Ibrahim; The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Center of Arabic and Islamic Studies. – Moscow, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; OOO “Sadra”, 2024. – Vol.2: Theology – 600 pages.

The following institutions took part in preparing the book:

The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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