Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeBooksThe Qur’an in the culture of Muslim peoples

The Qur’an in the culture of Muslim peoples


This book is a collection of articles and lectures of a famous Islamic scholar, Muhammad Ali Taskhiri, whose works are usually distinguished by consistent rationalism in examining the key Islamic issues.

This collection can familiarize readers with the Qur’an. Besides, this work is a significant monument of the contemporary Islamic thought. For Russian Muslims this book can become a useful tool for studying their religion and provide food for thought.


Taskhiri, Muhammad Ali. The Qur’an in the culture of Muslim peoples / compiled by Tahsin al-Badri; translated from Arabic by D.V.Mikulskiy, F.O.Nofal; edited by D.V.Mikulskiy. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2018. – 296 p. – (The Qur’anic series).

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