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HomeEventsFirst books of the “Prophets and Companions” series for children published

First books of the “Prophets and Companions” series for children published

The Islamic Culture Research Foundation helped to implement the idea of publishing a book series for children that would help them to know more about some exemplary people. This refers to the prophets whose names are well-known in all Abrahamic religions, as well as sahabas — loyal companions of the Prophet Muhammad.

The series consists of two subseries that differ in format and design: editions about prophets and editions about companions. So far four books have been published in the “Prophets and Companions” series.

The first book by S. Takdis is called “The story of the Prophet Noah’s life”. It is written in a simple manner and contains interesting and dynamic illustrations with the characters’ words.

The second book — “The message that pierced the sky” — describes the events that took place in Antioch during the Prophet Jesus’ times. This story is based on the surah “Ya Seen” of the Holy Qur’an and is explained in detail in different exegeses. The main characters of the books are apostles Simon and John, who help the reader to know more about the personality of the prophet Jesus.

Two editions about companions include a story about the Prophet Muhammad’s mother, Amina (“The pearl of the Quraysh tribe) and a story about Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, a pious companion of the Prophet Muhammad (“The owner of the house of light”).

It should be noted that the last two books were prepared together with the Moscow Islamic University and were published under the editorship of R.I. Izmaylov, vice-principal for educational affairs of the Moscow Islamic University.

The editions dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad are expected to be published soon.

All the books of the “Prophets and Companions” series are for the children aged 12 and older.

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