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Ibn Sina Foundation

Getting to know Islamic sciences: kalam, falsafa, irfan

Rida Birinjkar



The work is devoted to examination of three Islamic sciences and the views of their main representatives. The author considers questions of Islamic philosophy, theology and mysticism as numerous dimensions of the Islamic thought during establishment and development of Islamic ideology, referring to an extensive body of textological materials.

In order to facilitate the understanding, the book contains comments, index of Qur’anic quotes, Arabic terms and notions.


Birinjkar, Rida. Getting to know Islamic sciences: kalam, falsafa, irfan, in 3 parts / [Rida Birinjkar]; translated from Farsi by S. Hojaniyozov, commented and edited by I.A. Tairova — М.: ООО Sadra, 2014. — 304 p.