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Ibn Sina Foundation


Abstract Twelve centuries separate the formation of philosophy in the Arab world and its current state. The world witnessed the heyday of the Arab wisdom that influenced the Medieval Europe, as well as its degradation and stagnation, when the Ottoman Empire reigned in the Middle East. The Arab world has also seen its renaissance with an urge towards restoring its glory and keeping up with developed countries. This book reflects the rich philosophic thought of the past and the quest of thinkers of the 20th and 21st century. Imprint Frolova Е. А. Arab Philosophy: Past and Present. – М.: Languages…
Abstract The book written by a famous Muslim thinker represents a tafsir — exegesis of one of the 114 Qur’anic surahs. When explaining the surah’s content, origin and certain particular features, the author draws readers’ attention to six edifying points. Thus, the advice of the wise Luqman and the Qur’an’s scientific arguments take the form of explanation of the knowledge intrinsic to God, which is, according to the scholar, is of great importance in terms of setting the humanity on the right path. This book, full of wise thoughts, written in plain language, is meant for a wide range of…
Abstract This book of the famous contemporary scholar Sayid Muhammad Bakir Hujati is devoted to the research of the history of the Qur’an and represents an important contribution to modern Qur’anic studies. Referring to a great number of sources, the author deals with such questions like the revelation sequence of the verses and surahs, composition of the Qur’an and putting it in written form, compilation of the Qur’an after the Prophet’s death (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!). Of special note is the author’s rigorous, strictly scientific approach to the matters in question. He also uses opinions and…
Abstract The “Sense and love” is a story about the life and work of Sadr ad-Din Muhammad Shirazi, an outstanding philosopher, also known as Mulla Sadra, who worked in Iran in the 17th century. Mulla Sadra carried out a comprehensive synthesis of philosophy, theology (kalam) and mystical knowledge (irfan), forming a new dimension of Islamic thought called transcendental philosophy (hikmat-e muta’aliyya). The deep knowledge of the Qur’an and hadiths, Islamic peripatetism and “philosophy of illumination” (hikmat al-ishrak of Suhrawardi) allowed him to eliminate contradictions between theology and philosophy, discursive and mystical perception, knowledge and faith. According to Henry Corbin, Sadra…
Abstract “Interpretation of Surah Al-Furkan” contains comments to the 25th surah of the Qur’an. Written in plain language and thoroughly commented, it represents an important addition to the materials for studying Qur’an in Russian language. The work is intended not only for researchers knowledgeable in Qur’anic studies, but also for all well-informed readers interested in Islamic cultural studies. Imprint Qira’ati Muhsin. Interpretation of Surah Al-Furkan / translated from Farsi by. J. Mirzoeva. – М. : Sadra, 2016. – 192 p.
Abstract The book is similar to an encyclopaedic dictionary in its form. However, the articles were not selected according to a strict system, but rather associate with the tide of the cultural life of Middle Eastern countries, which is a spontaneous process raising one problem after another and providing different solutions. The author tried to rely on this tide, this is why the scope of the issues presented to the reader is dissimilar, and their presence in the modern culture is changeable — topical issues of certain periods are replaced by others, caused by new needs; some of them are…
Abstract This novel is devoted to dreadful and drastic events of the Iran-Iraq war of 1980–1988. The main character is a young man who returned from the front line just to pass his final exams at school and then goes back to the front line with his best friend. He has to face bitter trials, but he always keeps in mind that hope and perseverance of a person fighting for the right cause cannot be undermined even by hardest circumstances. For general audience. Imprint Dehqan Ahmad. Journey to Heading 270 Degrees / translated from Farsi by A.P.Andryushkin — М.: ООО…
Abstract Murtaza Mutahhari is one of the outstanding figures of the contemporary Iranian history. This extraordinary person was a great thinker, philosopher, educator and one of the Iranian revolution ideologists. His numerous works on philosophical, social and political topics constitute an integral part of the Iranian culture. This book contains a detailed narration of M. Mutahhari’s life and examination of his philosophical ideas and their influence on the Iranian society over the last decades. The book is meant for general readers. Imprint Gibadullin I.R. Murtaza Mutahhari and Islamic Revolution in Iran. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2015. – 400 p.